Bioflex Laser Therapy

Bioflex Laser Therapy, also called cold laser therapy or photo-biomodulation, uses visible light radiation that cascades into body by producing photochemical reaction in our cells. The technology through its super-luminous diodes irradiates injured or inflamed tissues with photons resulting in complex physiological reactions, eliminating pain, and restoring normal function. Compared to conventional treatments Bioflex Laser Therapy assists patients with musculoskeletal and nerve injuries to recover faster and with less scaring tissue. The infrared light used in treatment of many musculoskeletal conditions has shown to be very effective in repair of muscle fibres and atrophy, nerve regeneration, increased oxygen in the blood, collagen and cartilage production, reduction of inflammation and edema/swelling. Bioflex laser therapy is known for: 

  • Customized protocols specifically for each patient and different issues 
  • Improving circulation and speeding up the recovery time 
  • Decreasing potential of reinjury  
  • Increased patients’ satisfaction and quality of life 
  • No adverse reactions, safe, relaxing, and comfortable procedure 
  • Advanced technology using radiating light to produce photochemical reaction and promote healing  
  • Curative process resulting in elimination of symptoms and pain 
  • Enhancing immune system response  
  • Facilitating natural healing process